Acumen Software Change Log
Acumen Tool Builds
Date Released | Version Number | Summary |
March, 2025 | | Document Comparison Tool & bug fixes |
December, 2024 | | Authentication Update & QC Update |
September, 2024 | | Agenda Builder & bug fixes |
June, 2024 | | Citation improvements & minor fixes |
October, 2023 | | Bug fixes & LifeCycle improvements |
August, 2023 | | Bug fixes and minor improvements |
June, 2023 | | Header/Footer Wizard Added alongside bug fixes |
November, 2022 | | Bug fixes and improvements |
April, 2022 | | Bug fixes and minor improvements to existing systems |
December, 2021 | | Minor fixes and improvements |
October, 2021 | | LifeCycle Changes, Bug fixes |
June, 2021 | | LifeCycle Overhaul, Stylus Bug fixes |
February, 2021 | | SOC Added, Stylus fixes |
Beta Feature Toggle: Implemented a feature to allow users to enable or disable beta features within the add-in. Fixes for Add-In Freezing Issues: Addressed multiple cases where enabling certain features (e.g., Stylus, ESG) caused Word to freeze. Azure B2C Login Enhancements: Fixed token refresh issues that prevented some users from logging in. Subscription & Role Management Fixes: Ensured only users with the correct subscriptions can access beta features. Embedded Password Audit: Reviewed security concerns regarding hardcoded passwords for batch/service accounts. Automated Update Notifications Fix: Prevented older add-in versions from incorrectly prompting users for updates. Expanded Logging & Debugging Tools: Improved logging capabilities to capture more detailed error diagnostics.
Bulk User Upload via Excel: Streamlined the process for adding editors and admins using Excel uploads. Preventing Invalid Characters in Style Config Names: Implemented validation to prevent errors caused by unsupported characters. Error Handling for Bulk Uploads: Enhanced error messages to clarify when bulk uploads contain improperly formatted data. Company Subscription Report Fix: Resolved errors encountered when generating company reports from the subscription page.
Custom Styles Configuration Management: Improved versioning logic to ensure users receive style updates automatically without manual intervention. Enhanced Table Split Behavior: Ensured case formatting is preserved when splitting tables. Footnotes Window Expansion: Enhanced usability by making the footnotes window expand automatically for better readability. Field Shading Fix: Ensured field shading settings persist correctly when opening Word documents. Fix for Tracked Changes Behavior: Documents saved with tracked changes off will now retain that setting upon reopening.
AcuCite Search Optimization: Improved search speed and responsiveness when handling large citation libraries. Search-by-Field Filtering: Implemented the ability to filter AcuCite searches by specific fields (e.g., author, title) to improve accuracy and performance. Pagination Fixes: Resolved pagination issues where only a limited number of search results were displayed.
Checklist Completion Indicator: Added a warning message and an “orange indicator” logic to notify users of incomplete steps. Review Group Always Visible: Ensured visibility of the review group for improved usability. Improved UI elements, including better labeling, filtering, and search capabilities.
The following features can be turned on for users with the “Beta features” flag – if interested, please contact Acumen Support
Ability to create and use multiple different heading prefixes in a single document. Doc Compare feature – create redlines. Update tables throughout a document.
New Feature: Authentication Update
The Acumen Smart Document Solution authentication method will be updated to allow users to use a single set of credentials to login to their Acumen Accounts on both the Acumen Website & Word Add-in. New Users can have their MS Accounts added via the “Manager Users”section found under the user’s subscriptions page on the WebUI.
Heading Prefixes: users can set heading prefixes to be applied to numbered headings 1-6 via the Set Heading Prefixes button. Insert Equation button added to shortcuts.
Fixed bug that would occur where word would crash when opening some documents with table captions. Fixed issue where Hyperlink blue style would not be maintained when using Stylus. Fixed issue where Guidance Text would not be deleted in some documents. Table footnote wizard fixes. Table update bug fixes.
Fixed error where for some clients running E-Style Tool would cause an error box to appear. Fixed issue with Phrases where when inserting multiple phrases only the first phrase would insert or subsequent phrases would be inserted but with improper formatting.
Phrases component broken out from ESG. Phrases management via add-in bugs fixed.
Added ability to view PDFs via the Add-in. Added indicator to show if libraries are still loading. Library List is now alphabetical. Fixed issues with citation styles conflicting with Stylu.
Renamed to “Checklists”
Removed "View PDF" button from QC Tool. Added additional metafields for QC tool allowing for more customization, such as allowing for Hyperlinks to be supported. Updated QC Module to expand the coverage to document development and publishing phases Added “Additional Document Information section to document info
Fixed issue where Add-in would become inactive and disappear for some users.
New Tool
Added Agenda Builder under the Acumen Tab, this new tool will allow users to create agendas which they can use to help organize different changes, tasks and objectives for particular documents.
Fixed bug where special characters in headings would cause them to be unavailable as cross-references.
Added ability to store PDF Document files with references into Citation libraries.
Fixed bug that would cause checklists to disappear. QoL Improvements allowing more information to be recorded via QC tool.
Citation style bug fixes. Bibliography style bug fixes. Library sync bug fixes.
Addition of PK Symbols. Header/Footer tool bug fixes.
Performance improvements. Fixes to ensure compatibility with more documents. Fix to style exclusions.
Fixes to ensure compatibility with more documents.
ESG Scans will now exclude abbreviations found in footnotes. Fixed issue where running ESG would cause mouse cursor and related peformance issues.
Added ability to delete events from Outlook calendars via Lifecycle. Added date stamp for export file names. Modified ability to set event notification reminders - no longer requires users to grant calendar write permissions. Fixed issue where some documents would sometimes overwrite one another.
Fixed issue with table caption spacing being not correct. Fixed issue where side navigation pan would no longer work between documents when Stylus is enabled. Fixed issue causing the table caption button to take a lot of time to run. Fixed bugs with Footnote Wizard. Fixed bug where in some instances users would be unable to split tables with vertically merged cells.
Added ability for SOC to automatically save doc locally if user has not done so.
Improved citations formatting to ensure consistent styles. Fixed style-related bugs.
Templates download page now includes the date the template has last been updated. Added ability for users to search for specific templates under the WebUI Template Page.
Fixed Style Scanner Conversion bugs. Fixed bug where Tables would not be able to be split if cells were merged vertically. Made Improvements to the footnotes wizard.
Improved local to cloud library synchronization. Fixed library export bugs. Fixed bug where using the grouping feature will sometimes delete entire sections of text from documents.
Updater tool
The Updater Widget was added which allows users to update their Acumen Tools to the latest version if an older version is detected directly from word.
Header/Footer Wizard added Fixed bug causing Cross-Reference feature to not work for some clients. Fixed issue with Header 1 (no page break) option being stylized incorrectly. Improvements & Bug fixes to Footnote wizard. Fixed minor bug involving the toggle table numbering utility. Fixed bug where Figure Caption sometimes inserts a random character.
The Citations tool is a new add-in component that allows users to create and save to libraries containing references which can be inserted throughout their document(s). For more information check out our Citation's Guide under User Guides.
Fixed multiple issues with Cross Reference Feature. Added feature to change table numbering to use a different format based on the document's headings. New features added to Style Config Editor such as the ability to change settings for font sizes, heading size, paragraph spacing, etc. Fixed a bug which caused some logins not to work on the Style Config Editor even though they should. Logging feature added to Cross-Reference tool. Added button in Stylus to toggle on style viewer functionality.
Fixed issue where some updating some LC Docs would cause events for other LC Documents on the same device to remove tasks from resource calendars.
Updated SOC Tool output to be in A-Style by default. Generic Bug Fixes throughout.
Fixed multiple bugs involving cross-referencing not working properly on some documents. Stylus will now check and see if document is running in compatibility mode, if yes it will revert docs to non-compatibility mod automatically. Style Check now allows user to select a replacement style in bulk. Document Style Conversion Wizard added.
Lifecycle now integrates with certain cloud storage technologies (namely sharepoint and one drive) to keep better track of document changes. Fixed multiple bugs involving resources not copying correctly or copying at all. Timeline milestones can now be made to automatically link whereas when a task is finished the next task will automatically begin. Lifecycle now works with google calendar. Fixed bug where renaming docs utilizing LC would revert to previous name. Added ability to link multiple docs to a single set of resources / timelines. Fixed bug involving timeline tracked changes turning itself off. Added ability to set finished date for timeline tasks.
Fixed multiple minor case by case bugs involving malformed SOC Outputs.
Stylus Checker global replace lock text and link text.
Doc Linking added.
64bit Installer.
Issue where Tracked Changes turn off when using the LC Tool now fixed. Can now select date of completion for timeline tasks. PDF File Exports reformatted to look better. Excel format export added.
Bug with footnote number / letters repeating at bottom of table fixed. Issue with Deep Scans finding A-Styles fixed. Bug where ToC Entries don't tab automatically is fixed. Stylus Config Manager added.
QC start date now updates after QC Reset.
SoC Tool enhanced to handle more document formats.
Build Certificate Updated.
A complete overhaul of the lifecycle tool was done, with many of its features either scrapped or changed. Currently the lifecycle tool is able to create tasks, allow for both protecting certain parts of documentation as well as keeping track of who is assigned to said documentation and finally being able to track changes and progress made on the documentation.
Minor bug with Deep Scans now fixed. Footnote bug which caused table footnotes to not increment is now fixed.
QC Module improved with multiple enchancements.
Stylus Checker fixes and updates. Numbered list bug fixed.
First usable SOC Version.
Old ESG Builds
Date Released | Version Number | Summary |
August, 2023 | From this date further, ESG & Stylus versions have been merged. See Acumen Tool Builds for future changes. | |
June, 2023 | | Bug Fixes and improvements |
April, 2022 | | Minor Bug Fixes |
October, 2021 | | Global Search Feature Added, Minor Bug Fix |
June, 2021 | | Minor Bug Fix |
Fixed issue where Word Freezes when generating a list of acronyms. Added a new feature where ESGs can now be directly updated from within word. Quality of Life Improvements to backend code for ESG Tool (To help ESG Tool run better on all devices).
Fixed bug involving ESG not removing italics. Fixed bug involving ESG pulling Acronyms for normal scans. Fixed multiple bugs with Acronym List Generator. Fixed bug where proofing dialogue would open when ESG is selected. Added a changelog for ESG WebUI Editor to track changes done to ESG. ESG "Copy From" button in WebUI now works. Fixed bug where some ESGs.
64bit Installer Fixed issue ESG Scans would not recognize periods properly. Non-case sensitive issue fixed. Global Search function added the the ESG Manager on the WebUI, allowing multiple sections of the ESG to be searched at the same time.
Fixed error that appears on occasion when running certain e-Style ESGs. Italics fixed. Build Certificate Updated.